畢業院校:Grenoble Alps University學歷:本科主修專業:國際政治經濟學教學資格:TESOL現任科目:國際研究、地理、英語教育理念: To hold myself to the same high standards I hold my students to.詳細
Max Quentin Keenan-中美索斯蘭課程主管
畢業院校:Tulane University學歷:碩士主修專業:英語語言文學教師資格:TEFL國際英語教師資格證現任科目:EAL教育理念:Students learn best by being active participants in the learning process; when they are given information, knowledge, and skills to be successful; through structure and unique repetition; and when learning is a physiological activity.?詳細