擅長領域:Biochemistry, Cell biology, Developmental biology, Anatomy, Biomedicine教育背景:University of Nottingham此編輯在生物醫學工程領域從事了10+年的學習和研究,發表了多篇重要的文獻,是生物醫學工程領域的資深專家。詳細
擅長領域:Evolutionary biology,Genetics and genomics,Taxonomy, Neuroscience,Bioinformatics and computational biology教育背景:University of South Carolina該編輯有十幾年的學術論文寫作和經驗,審稿400+篇文章,擔任26個期刊的審稿人,如PLANT DISEASE;PLANT AND S-OIL;MOLECULAR BREEDING;THEORETICAL AND APPL-ED GENETICS;APPLIED SOIL ECOLOGY;詳細
T. P
擅長領域:biological-sciences教育背景:Sam Houston State University該編輯目前擔任25家期刊審稿人,如:Journal of Afro-Asian journal of Biological and Agricultural Sciences,Advances in Animal and Veterinary Science, Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Scie-ces, Universal Journal of Agricultural Research,Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Animal Production Science, Jo-rnal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science,Biological Trace Element Research, Envir-nmental Science and Pollution Research, Annals of Animal Scienc-s, International Journal of Pharmacology, Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, and Asian Journal of Poultry Science.詳細