在職稱考試中經常會出現一些詞匯性選擇題。詞匯性選擇題主要是考察考生對一個詞匯或短語在特定語言環境下的確切含義。所考的詞匯主要有兩類: 一類是超出大綱詞匯表的詞匯,以前沒有見過的新詞,要求考生根據上下文猜測出它的確切含義。另一類是熟詞僻義或者是舊詞新義(即原來學過的詞在新的語言環境下另有新義)。在這種情況下,考生以前知道的常規詞義往往都不是解。有的考生想通過查閱詞典來找出答案。實踐證明,對于這種考題,查閱詞典往往無濟于事。考生一定要切記:只有根據上下文才能選出具體的,合乎文章內容的正確詞義。因此考生在解題時,首先要對文章上下文有一個正確的理解,利用文章中所給出的線索或暗示來推斷詞義。根據上下文推斷詞義主要有以下幾種方法:
(1) 利用定義和釋義
They need to make their income meet the cost of living; so many people plan a family budget. A budget is a list of monthly expenses.
Experts in kinetics, in their study of body motions as related to speech, hope to discover new methods of communication.
He was a very astute buyer, estimating values very carefully and never allowing himself to be deceived.
Sociology is the term used to describe the scientific study of human society.
These medical students have decided to become pediatricians, that is, doctors specializing in the care and diseases of children.
A jetty——a wall built out into the water, protects the harbor.
To boycott a store means to refuse to shop in the store.
Jane is indecisive, that is, she can't make up her mind.
I thought they were old-fashioned, thinking too much of old ways and ideas.
Hausa, namely a language of the Sudan, is widely used as a trade language throughout western Africa.
An autobiography is the story of a person's life written by himself.
Holography, or three-dimensional photography, has many industrial applications.
Every once in a while in some part of the world or another, the ground suddenly shakes, and we call the event an earthquake.
Carbon monoxide (co) is a noxious gas which can cause death.
He had a wan look. He was so pale and weak that we thought he was ill.考試用書
Should the government regulate the cost of resources such as oil and gas? Some people do not believe that government control is the solution to the problem of the rising cost of fuel.
(2) 利用同義詞或反義詞
反義詞前通常有but ,however, not, yet, while, although, nevertheless, unlike, instead, in contrast等信號詞。
His naiveté, or innocence, was obvious.
My sister Kathy is lively and outgoing, however, I am rather introverted.
Mary was jubilant but Jane was sorrowful.
Danny was hesitant whereas Jean leaned forward eagerly.
Her shirt was clean but her shoes were grubby.
American businessmen expect employees to be punctual. They do not expect that the workers will come late.
Their friends laughed at them, and my sisters felt wretched, very unhappy.
It has an enormous, a very powerful influence on our lives.
In an aging person the new cells may not be as viable or as capable of growth as those of a young man.
(3) 利用文中的舉例或暗示
The dromedary, like all desert animals, can go for long periods of time without drinking water.
(我們可以猜測dromedary 是一種沙漠里的動物)
Nocturnal creatures, such as bats and owls, have highly developed senses that enable them to function in the dark.
(我們可以猜測nocturnal creatures是蝙蝠和貓頭鷹一類的動物,進而推測出"夜間活動的動物)
Today young couples who are just starting their households often spend lots of their money on appliances, for instance, washing machines, refrigerators, and color televisions.
I am a resolute man. Once I set up a goal, l won't give it up easily.
In the corner there is a Christmas tree decorated with shining ornaments, such as colored lights and glass balls, and sometimes hung with gifts.
(4) 利用構詞法
前綴 意思 例詞
ante- before anteroom, ante-Christian
poly many polytechnic
詞根 意思 例詞
-anthro- man anthropography
-homo- same homophone
后綴 意思 例詞
-ate to make consolidate, isolate
-ous full of nervous, glorious