初二英語Unit 6 單元測試題及答案
1. The ground was _____________ (覆蓋) with thick snow.
2. Be careful! A car nearly ___________________ (撞) you.
3. Typhoons and _________________ (地震) are serious natural disasters.
4. I wonder what they were doing at that ______________ (片刻).
5. Every year there are a lot of traffic _______________ (事故) in the world.
6.These ____________ (受害者)must be sent to hospital at once.
7.You must write down your answers in the answer sheet ____________(仔細).
8. On my way to school, he lost the _________________ (傘) in the wind.
9. A moment of ___________ (恐懼)went through my mind.
10. We were in a great ___________ (匆忙) to catch the early bus.
1.用拖把拖干凈_______________________ 2.輸了比賽_______________________
3.引起自然災害_______________________ 4.在地震中幸免存活_______________
5.大叫救命___________________________ 6.平靜下來_______________________
7.向四面八方跑去_____________________ 8.感到一陣輕微的震動_____________
9.成千上萬的人_______________________ 10.沖走了這個村莊________________
11.望窗外看__________________________ 12.從樹上掉下來