1. 首先要找出文章的中心思想。知道了中心思想,就很容易辨別出那些說明中心思想的事實細節。
2. 當文章中細節較多時,只記那些重要的細節,并用筆做上記號, 以備解題時查閱。
3. 當你感到所讀的細節與主題在邏輯上沒有任何關系時,這說明主題沒有找準或這不是重要的細節。
例如: Children are very curious by nature. They often like to smell, touch, and taste things while exploring their environments. Your home contains many products that are beneficial if used properly but may be dangerous or even fatal to children. Children are often unaware of the dangers of these products.
French psychologist Alfred Binet was asked by the French government to develop a test that would help find out which school children were not intelligent enough to profit from regular schooling. Binet thought that intelligence should be measured by tests that required problem solving and reasoning. Binet did a great deal of research with children of various ages. As a result of his work, Binet developed the concept of the IQ, or intelligence quotient, which is the basis for much modern intelligence testing.
According 題型
此題型為最基本題型,在閱讀理解的考題中占的比重比較大。該題型的特點是由according to the passage, 或 according to the author / the writer引出,考察考生對具體內容的掌握程度。有時問題中雖然沒有 according to,但仍然是要求考生依據文章的內容來回答問題,陳述或確認某些時間、地點、事件等細節性問題,所以仍屬于這類題型。這種題型的典型提問方式為:
According to the passage / article, who (what, where, which, when, why, how, etc.)…?
The passage states that…。
The author holds that…。
這類問題中常使用what, where, which, why, how, because, reason, purpose, cause 等疑問詞和單詞。對這類提問方式,考生一定要抓住提問中的關鍵字眼,就可以在短文中找到答案。