??一:當然首先是從高中一年級開始批培養“非凡的考試能力”! 做法和初中一樣,從考取高中的那一天起,就開始一道題一道題的“脫口而出”歷年高考題和模擬試題。
??二:對大量詞匯的掌握和熟練、精確的運用。 這些詞匯分為“簡單的詞匯”和“復雜的詞匯”。簡單的詞匯只是拼寫簡單,“貌似純樸”,但如果想正確應用卻非常難,比如說“make” “do” “if”等等。難的單詞雖然貌似龐大,但用法相對來說卻較容易掌握,只是如果你想正確拼寫,一個字母不錯,則需要下點功夫。無論如何,只要你用“實用的句子”來記單詞,什么都不難!
??第*組:拼寫簡單的單詞 1. I’ve forgotten everything I learned in school. (在學校里學的一切東西都忘記了。) 2. This news means everything to us. (這個消息對我們至關重要。)
??第二組:拼寫復雜的單詞 1. I don’t like making speeches in public; it’s so embarrassing. (我不喜歡在公眾面前講話,太難為情了。) 2. He could not hide his embarrassment. (他無法掩蓋他的捆窘。) 3. I felt embarrassed about it. (我對那事感到很不好意思。) 4. I was embarrassed at his question. (他的問題使我感到很窘。) 5. Are you embarrassed about talking to strangers? (你和陌生人談話會感到不好意思嗎?)
??三、熟練地掌握和運用英語所有語法! 順利通過托福考試語法結構題。 經典范例:時態大薈萃 When I got home last night, I thought I had lost my keys. Fortunately, they were in my pocket all the time. I had forgotten where I had put them. I would have been in trouble if I had really lost them. (我昨晚回家的時候,我原以為我把鑰匙丟掉了。幸好,他們一直在我的口袋里,但我忘記了。如果我真的把鑰匙丟掉了,我當時會很麻煩。)
??四、 高層次的英語表達能力(高級英語口語)。 同齡的美國青少年能表達的,我們也能表達!我們中文能表達的思想,英文也要能表達!
??經典范例一:富有思想性的句子 1. It is a mistake to believe you can improve your position by lowering others. (如果你相信你能夠通過貶低別人來提高自己的地位,那你就錯了。)
??經典范例二:談論工作的意義 A: What would you do if you were a millionaire, Andy? Would you continue working?(安迪,如果你是個百萬富翁,你會做什么?你會繼續工作嗎?) B: Yes, I think I would.(我想我會。) A: But what’s the point of working if you’ve got plenty of money? (但是,如果你真的有了許多錢,工作又有什么意義呢?) B: Well, I’ve got a worthwhile[值得做的;值得花時間精力的] job, and I enjoy doing it. Money isn’t the only reason for working, you know.(恩,我現在有一個值得花時間去做的工作,而且我很喜歡這個工作。你知道,金錢并不是工作的**目的。) A: It isn’t? Give me another then. (不是**的目的?那么請指出還有什么目的?) B: Well, the satisfaction of a job well done, for one thing. Then, the contribution to society…… (恩,首先,對做好工作的滿足感,其次,對社會的貢獻---) A: Do you think assembly line workers feel the same way? (你認為在裝配線上工作的工人也這么想嗎?) B: I think a lot of them do. Every kind.