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Hi, I'm Mark. Prior to 2 memorable years in Plington, I successfully taught more than 2200 Children in Xi'an in only 2 years. Before starting a career in China, I gained nearly 5 years of teaching experience, so it totals about 9 years until now. Through those years, I've been teaching in various institutions and changing age groups taught me to adapt and accept any challenge in this job. Thanks to that, I'm able to predict student's needs from much closer depth.Due to my previous management and leadership experience, my strongest fields are analytics, management, organization and technical skills. This also helps me keeping track on my classes and adapting them towards student's needs. Problem solving skills and finding solutions in almost inevitable situations made myself better reputation and trustworthy team member.?Besides teaching various age group students my job requires planning and organizational duties and responsibilities because I’m involved in designing from scratch and redesigning different curriculums. Constant research and testing different methods of teaching is what every educational institution needs to make a progressive improvement in the society. Many people say I’m versatile person, and it would be selfish if I wouldn't use that versatility to help others. Thus, in every field I can, I intend to help my students and colleagues grow into better people personally and professionally. Constant improvement is a key to success.Versatility is a virtue of, not only a knowledgeable person, but also a good teacher. Ability to explain very complex things using a very simple language is what makes an expert in one field. We, as teachers, need to be experts in many fields so we can bring the world closer to our leaners. During the learning process itself, education takes many different shapes, and how it advances, becomes more and more unpredictable which makes it more enjoyable. -
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I am Gerry. I have been at Plington for 2 years and a teacher for over 4 years now. It’s my passion to be a leader and a life coach for young kids. I love to work with kids from the age of 4 as they are at a vulnerable and learning phase in their life. I strive to improve not just them but myself as well in my everyday life and classes. I always work to be on the top, whether it’s for the childeren or my own teaching ways. I learn something new from them everyday. I thank you for trusting me to improve and teach your kids! -
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My name is Vanessa and I am a teacher at Plington Education. From my years of being an English teacher it has taught me to love my students as my own. I am the happiest when I am in class teaching my kids. I feel not only do I teach them but?they teach me. I am very vivacious and professional when teaching these are my pro's. Thank you for trusting your kids in my hands. -
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中學教師資格證,英語六級證書。兩年的少兒英語工作經驗,在過去的兩年里學習到了很多少兒心理的教育理念和家庭教育理念。性格活潑開朗,善于和小朋友交往,有很好的親和力,有耐心、細心、比心,有較強的團隊協作能力和創新能力。秉承著“和善而堅定,讓孩子正真的在快樂中學習,在快樂中成長”的教育理念,在教育的中盡心盡力幫助每一個孩子學習和成長。 -
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I am a very driven and ambitious person. Knowing that my job is to help kids achieve their full potential and to help them feel happier and better about themselves, brings a huge smile to my face. Ive been in china now for a while and cant wait to see what else it has to offer. -
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鄭州市二七區2013-2014學年度優秀民辦教師。從2013年普靈頓起航,就和普靈頓一起成長,一起蛻變。口語溝通能力強,發音純正,擅長與外教溝通協作。一直以來,我從不認為自己是孩子的老師,而是孩子的朋友。以朋友的身份和孩子們溝通交流,把自己認為好的英語學習方法傳導給家長和孩子是我喜歡的。我總是認為快樂的學習才是有效的學習。和孩子一起快樂成長,快樂學習是我作為老師大的成就。 -
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?成蹊商學院教學總監班團隊一名,英語專業八級證書,高級中學教師資格證,二七區師德先進個人。入職普靈頓3年來的時間,一直堅持在教師的崗位上。老師是孩子的天花板,為了更先進的理念和高效的教學方法一直在學習的路上。和孩子一起學習是我一生中快樂的事情,我總是不遺余力的幫助孩子們,不僅幫助孩子提高英語水平,也在生活中幫助孩子。 -
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應用英語專業,從事英語教育行業6年,親和力強,有責任心,善于教授小齡段的孩子,資深寶媽一枚,善于創新并能抓住每一個孩子的性格特點進行學習引導,希望和寶爸寶媽們一起在育兒道路上共同成長。Nothing is difficult,if you put your heart into it. -
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